AR Penalty


How about the feeling that a cameraman hold the camera to follow the player in the game.

I think no one will get it, in a real game. Because it is not allowed in the real game.

This feeling is this ar game want to give you.

About AR Football

Originally, I want to build a full football game by vuforia. I met some puzzles. And I want to build this ar game as fast as I can, because of the job fair. So I firstly build this – AR Penalty.

1.01 Release Notes:

  1. Performance optimization
  2. Redesigning UI layout
  3. Fix the image target recognition bug

Features in the future:

  1. Use the user define image target
  2. Add more scenes

How To

grounf geekgame

  1. Print this picture (a3/a4) Download Here
  2. Put the play ground picture on your desktop
  3. Stand up
  4. Hold your phone (for now it is only supported Android, other oses in the fulture), to the ground picture
  5. Start Gaming (swipe to shoot)

Video and Screenshots


Source Code